Friday, November 12, 2010

Eric Davidson, IHEC Project Director, was awarded the "Outstanding Contributions to the Field" award by The Network. He received his award in National Harbor, MD on October 18, 2010. Congratulations Eric!

Grant Opportunity!!!

Hi All!
It has been awhile since we have written a blog and for that, I apologize!
One of the grants that we have at IHEC is the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws grant. This grant is a GREAT opportunity for our affiliates! IHEC can award mini grants to institutions of higher education throughout the State of Illinois. We currently have 5 grantees and can usually accept around 6 grantees. IHEC is currently accepting proposals for next semester. The proposals are due no later than 12 noon on December 1, 2010. You can email them to For more information on the grant and the RFP please visit: This is a great grant for law enforcement because 80% of the funds must be spent on enforcement activities! If you have any questions please call us at 217-581-2112. Thanks!