Wednesday, May 26, 2010

DVD's available!

Hi Everyone! IHEC currently has three DVDs available! We are selling them at extremely discounted rates! visit our website at:

You can find the order forms on that page!

Have a super day!
Jessica :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Offering Quality Programs to Our Affiliates

Hi Everyone!
Here are the Illinois Higher Education Center we strive to offer quality programming for all of our affiliates. We have a wide range of people who are involved with IHEC. From Community Colleges, to 4 year public institutions, to 4 year private institutions and Social Service Agencies. When we plan and host a training, we try to identify a topic and speaker who can reach that wide variety of people. On June 16 and 17, we are hosting a training that we think does just that! Jason Kilmer will be coming to Illinois to do two days of training on Brief Assessment and Screening. On June 16, Jason will be offering a training for those who work in a medical setting. On June 17, the training will focus on other student affairs practitioners. The first 50 registrants for the June 17th training will receive a free resource. Registration is still open for this training so register today! IHEC is proud to offer such a quality presentation and resource to its affiliates! We are always looking for suggestions for new trainings and hot topics, so if you want to see something let us know! Until next time...thanks for being a part of IHEC! :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Finding new ways to connect with our affiliates!

Hello IHEC Affiliates!
My first fiscal year as the Assistant Director of the Illinois Higher Education Center is quickly coming to an end. We have been thinking about next fiscal year for many months and we have already put some of our plans on paper! We have been brainstorming ideas on how to connect with our affiliates in different, new and creative ways. SO...thats why I suggested we start a blog! Here on the IHEC blog you will begin seeing posts from our entire staff. We will write about events that we have hosted, conferences we have attended, upcoming events and opportunities you might be interested in, and much more! It is my hope that you will find this blog interesting and just another way that we are trying to connect with our affiliates! We SO appreciate each and everyone one of you and we couldn't be successful without you! Until next time...

Jessica :)